ENT Ultrasound
Keep it Simple
But don't do it blind

For the ENT, in-office ultrasound increases your patient's compliance, confidence and convenience, enhancing your patient's over all practice experience.
Carry your visualization diagnostic system with you on any and every patient encounter.
A heart condition is not diagnosed with only a stethoscope.
For the provider, ultrasound improves diagnostic decision making, timeliness, outcomes and enhances your practice's operating budget.
The EDGE 3 in 1 ENT ultrasound system is the 'Can't miss' system.
There is no reason to do your thyroid exams and FNA's simply by feel any more.
And no reason to send them out of your office.
Even without scanning experience, your can clearly and easily visualize tissue and assure your needle reaches the tissue you want to aspirate.
Not only will you assure accuracy with visualization, the images are acquired digitally
to document the study.
Historically, in office ultrasound for the ENT has been
complicate, cumbersome and costly.
Not any more.
What is important:
. Multi Frequency
Transducer: 7-10MHz
. 100 frame Cine
. Color Doppler
. Spectral Filter Imaging
. Full resolution Zoom
. FNA Guide Line
. FNA Guide
. Image Acquisition app

Purchase: $6,500.00
36 months $251/mo Two year warranty
24 months $360/mo Two year warranty
You own at end of lease.
* These are accurate values but will fluctuate from time to time based on the customer's credit and interest rates.
Ultrasound system Configuration
. EDGE 3 in 1 - Digital Wireless handheld ultrasound
. Multi-Frequency Linear Transducer 7-10Mhz
- Excellent range of penetration and image quality
. Linear Biopsy Guide
- Assures accuracy
. iPad
. Slim line podium cart
. MOMENTUM Image acquisition app
- Eliminates the printer and paper process
- Makes your images instantly available for your
EMR in support of
Meaningful Use part 2 'Image Results.
. Two year warranty, standard.
- Optional Extended Warranty
. Web application training
CPT Codes
Ultrasound and ultrasound guided FNA.
. Thyroid US 76536 plus modifiers, if needed
. Thyroid biopsy 10022 for the biopsy
. 76942 for the US guidance
Please confirm your reimbursement in your market area, with your payer, to calculate your ultrasound investment ROI.
Typical FNA reimbursement pays for your ultrasound lease with one FNA study per month.
10022: *$143.55 2 per month= $287.10
76536: *$112.73 5 per month= $563.65
* Example only. Confirm with your Payers

Prior to ultrasound, free hand aspirations was the only way to aspirate tissue.
Now that ultrasound has been simplified and is affordable, doing a free hand aspiration is the equivalent of diagnosing a heart condition with only a stethoscope.
With the simplicity of placing an ultrasound transducer on your patients neck, you can clearly visualize the full thyroid tissue.
The integrated biopsy guide line and biopsy guide insure that you accurately aspirate the specific tissue.

Ease of Use
Ultrasound has been somewhat complicated and confusing to use in the past.
The EDGE 3 in 1 simplifies the whole process for the ENT.
. Turn on the system. 1 second bootup
. Type in the patient's name and EMR number
. Add gel to the transducer
. Place the transducer on the patients neck to visualize the thyroid
. Freeze and click the Save button to acquire the image for your
. If you are doing an FNA, click the Guide button.
. Insert your needle in the guide track.
. Observer your needle path in the tissue.
. Acquire the image of your needle aspirating the targeted tissue.
. Save your images for documentation and your EMR.
Please contact us to assist with any questions.

10MHz linear. Thyroid Nodule. In-Plane needle guide line.
Imaging Associates, Inc. (800) 324-4464 www.imaginga.com
2725 Westinghouse Blvd.
Charlotte, NC. 28273 Ultrasound supplies and accessories